Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Prima Donna

Introducing some Prima Donnas to the Good Girls' role call!

~Standing Ovation~ last dash on stage for curtain call.
Her cheeks flaming from all the applause.

~Curtain Call~
...she just knew all that applause was for her.
This was her finest ballet performance
Unfortunately it was also her last.

I don't think I'll be listing either of these ladies in the shop until after the RebusFest this weekend. If you'd like one, let me know & I'll set her aside for you.

I also whipped up a new lariat ...

~The Key to the Vault~
She kept all her diamonds locked up...
The sole key like a noose hanging around her neck.

You can visit her over at Knockabout Gallery starting tomorrow.
I've tons more gals to show you but I haven't time to take their pictures yet
(& they are rather shy I think & so there is lots of cajoling to get them to sit still for a photo!)

I did manage to squeeze in a small Vintage shop update & there are a few more goodies on their way over there this evening as well. I can't wait to see who snatched these up! What a find! Vintage YSL !!! Yippeeee :)

Hope you birds are having a lovely week thus far!

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