Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Multiple Personalities

Have you ever been accused of having multiple personalities? (& No I'm not talking about when you become Sybil after one too many shots of tequila! hehehee) My creative juices have been schizophrenic lately! One day the blossoming enamel flowers, the next heavy metal...followed by dainty gemstone earrings & more enameled flowers. My designs are bursting out as if fueled by Red Bull & then (of course) I crash back down once they've escaped into reality.

~Multiple Personality~
A 3 in 1 combo platter of a necklace.
1st a lariat.
2cd a vintage bracelet
3rd a long necklace
4th a key fob
(ok, I admit I can't count, 4 n 1 it is)
Just a few lever releases & you have yourself a smorgasbord of jewelry entertainment!
(will be in the shop tomorrow morning {crosses fingers} )


I decided I deserved a treat!
(of the non edible variety)
My first stab at some luxury earrings por moi!
Super sparkly Peridot with Sapphire accents.
Loooooooooooove them! Green & purple is an all time fave color combo...along with yellow/red oh & yellow/purple ooohhh & red/turquoise...umm I have lots & don't want any to feel left out else they turn on me & start being all icky together; )

So there you have it my birds, my week thus far in a nutshell! What prey tell have you been up to???


candacemorris said...

Oh i love that necklace!!

Kate said...

Speaking of multiple personalities, do you have Showtime? If so, are you watching U.S. of Tara? Fantastic show, I'm hooked. And John Corbett is in it and there's nothing, I repeat NOTHING, wrong with that.

Good Girls Studio said...

no Showtime or any cable for that matter...I turned it off :( I'll have to get that show once the season is over. I {heart}John Corbett.