Monday, March 23, 2009

Steampunk for Spring

Steampunkish newness coming this way!
I must have been feeling very historic this afternoon as everything I whipped up has quite a history...

These balloon pilot military wings were originally stamped for use during WWII,
but were never used.

This lady here features a vintage Official Past Daughter Ruler brooch.
(It's an Elk club/temple for women thing)

~Smarty Pants~
Vintage Honor Roll (?) bar pin. The last one I had like this was a Sunday School pin but this one has no Hallmarks of the religious sort ...I'm going with Honor Roll ;) It has a Service Award at the bottom! Love it!
~The Winningest Winner of All~
Winner plate came off a 1971 Vermont State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. State Championship Four Man Winner ribbon! Fanfreak'n tastic!

& last but not least an always classy pair of earrings to tone down the cheekiness of these other pieces...
I hope to have these goodies in the shop tomorrow.
Hope is the key word in that sentence as Tyler officially has the flu {le sigh} Did you know they have an actual flu test now!??! Basically the Dr's "steal your boogers" (Tyler's words not mine hehehee) & test them for a virus & then (insert drum roll here) they tell you they cannot do anything for you & send you home on your merry way to infect the rest of your family! Joy! I'm pumping him full of Motrin every time his fever comes back & trying to keep him entertained with a stack of movies (yes my birdlings, parenting at it's best here!)! We are both driving eachother nuts! Thankfully I feel fine (physically, let's not get started about the mentally!) & am taking EmergenCEE.

Cee ya tomorrow my friends,
(If I survive!hahaha)

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