Saturday, July 19, 2008

Open For Business

Introducing Relinquished!
Located at the former destash shop know as Some Girls Horde.
One of many (or maybe just 2) secrets I've been keeping!

I think I'm bipolar :)
These designs are sooooooo different than the vintage, nostalgic look of Good Girls Studio & it's never felt right to have them along side the others in the shop
...too much of a clutter look (like my mind !)
I've been knocking these designs out for awhile now & whenever I have a trunk show & pair them next to my other designs people always ask "how many designers are you representing?"
...ummm, me, myself & I!

So there you have it folks. New goods...newish shop...& maybe some new bipolar meds
...just kidding...sort of :)

I'd looooove some feedback!
That especially means you Kate can be brutal if need be :)


Murray said...

Heading over to check it out!

Kate said...

I think they're incredibly cool and when I have some money i know who I'm coming to see to restock my jewelry cases at the shop! very nice!

Good Girls Studio said...

Thanks Kate! I'm trying to keep the designs thuings that I can reproduce so if they sell they'll always be more for ya :)