Monday, June 15, 2009

Tales From Under the Tent

Greetings from Downtown Live!

~Pictures from the hottest day imaginable ~

Let the sweating begin ;)

(that would be me, Johanna, aka the Good Girl, aka The Hottest Girl {& by hot I mean heat exhaustion not "hot" like "daaaang girl, you hot" :) }

~The pretties~

~The other Pretties~
Jamie cooling off with a smoothy.

~Revamp screen prints~

Buffy was also under out tent with her super cute talisman necklaces!
(I'm greedy & snatched up 2 of them!)

I had a blast trying to keep cool with these uber cool chicas :) People watching was fantastical...the girl with the butt cheek cutout jeans sans underwear was unbelievable & sent the parents in a rush to cover there innocent childrens eyes! (she was sent home by the cops to change, something about indecent exposure,hahaha ) Gotta love the general public ;) Despite the heat (& the terrible tummy ache I had) I had a lot of fun & made some $, met some great artists & made some work related contacts (more on that later)!

Hope you birds had a fun weekend! I'm off to continue the hunt for my display for this weekends Rock & Shop!


1 comment:

Kate said...

Ummmm, yeah. LOVE that dress.