Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Frozen Waterfall...a Downpouring of Vintage Goodness

~ Frozen Waterfall~

...they stood behind the icy waterfall
...watching the water rush over them
like blood coursing through their veins
As he held her tightly to him
she wondered if she would ever be able to recapture
the intensity of how she felt at that moment.

Vintage Repurposed Glass Pearl and Brass Chain Bracelet,
Vintage Circle Brooch and Brass Chain


I went on a lovely little walk in the park Sunday with a dear friend of mine and found a fantastic little fall collection of sorts.

Dark ebony hues acorns ...they were quite the chunkers! Found them in the husky section :) Those little green seeds(?) are all soft and fuzzy and the perfect shades of olive and lime! They're shaped like miniature pumpkins. Soo cute...I have them sitting in a little dish when you walk in the front door. Any one know what in the world they are?

Hope you birds did your part and rocked the vote today!
I did & it was rainy & cold out
so no excuses from any of you if you didn't!

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